Anxiety: How Can Medicinal Mushrooms Help Mental Health in 2023?

Anxiety: How Can Medicinal Mushrooms Help Mental Health in 2023?

Let's face it, 2023 has been a tough year for many. The continued strain of the cost of living crisis has taken its toll on many individual's mental health. In fact, over 8 million people in the UK are currently experiencing a mental health disorder at any one time. 

The stresses of life have been stretched to breaking point, including job insecurity and losses, bereavement and financial strain.

These can all contribute to mental health problems, but there are natural solutions to help those suffering get back to their best.

Mental Health 2023 Theme: Anxiety

The theme of May 2023's Mental Health awareness month is Anxiety. Research has found that the after-effects of the current strains of life in the UK have had a major impact on those suffering with this mental health condition.

According to Mind, every week in England, 6 in 100 people will be diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder, and less than half of people with generalised anxiety disorder are able to access treatment.

With spirits low, at Mycology Nutrition we wanted to highlight some natural options that may lend a helping hand to help with symptoms of anxiety and mental health... 

Introducing: Lion's Mane Mushroom 

Mushrooms come in lots of different shapes, sizes and colours. They are fat-free, low-sodium, low-calorie and cholesterol-free.

Medicinal mushrooms are special variants of mushrooom which have been cultivated for their potential health benefits, and can be taken in a variety of forms, including encapsulated or powdered. 

Lion's Mane mushroom is identifiable as a large white fungus, with a long shaggy spine. This 'shroom contain bioactive substances that have beneficial effects on the body, especially the brain, heart and gut.

Lion's Mane is also backed by several studies that support their ability to improve the immune function, reduce inflammation, protect against cancer and more.

While all medicinal mushrooms share similar compounds, Lion’s Mane mushroom may be particularly effective at boosting mental health and suppressing anxiety. It may also support cognitive health and memory, while protecting against cognitive decline by promoting the production of the nerve growth factor.

It is the anti-inflammatory effects found in this that may help to ease anxiety, reduce depression and improve sleep quality.

Get 20% Off Lion's Mane in May 

To assist with those suffering with anxiety and mental health, we are offering 20% off all Lion's Mane capsules & powders through the month of May 2023. 

Benefits of Capsules - quick, easy consumption - good for on the go

Benefits of Powdered - can be taken with food, or in a smoothie


Now you've got a better understanding of the powerful Lion's Mane mushroom, incorporating this into your routine is a breeze. 

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